Curiosity Killed The Platypus

Changing the website

Hey!  So I’ve been thinking, Ikind of want to get a little more serious about this website, make it a little more professional.  So I’m going to delete all previous posts and start again.  I’ll post more consistently, I’m getting a new format, I’m pretty much just reseting the sight to become better.  I don’t …Continue reading



I’ll also post artwork 🙂



I’ve decided to turn ByCassy into a crafts and cooking/baking thing! Just so you all know… 🙂



Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  VS

Try it out

My friend sent me the AWESOME music video she made and she sent me the link to the app. It’s called “Movie Star” and it got really good ratings! I think it got a 4.5. You guys should try it out! She told me it was really simple and easy to use. 


did you know

when you have your pointer finger and your thumb touch, their actually not touching! there is the smallest of the smallest, smallest, smallest, smallest, smallest (ect) distance between your fingers! i thought that was interesting.  


HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMANTHA !!!!!!! You one of my bestes buddy’s !!!!! I hope your day is good and you like being 11!!!! Happy Birthday girlfriend!! NINJA SLICE !!! HOLY COW SHES BACK SHES BACK !!! XD

The stopped and Are (ow) po (ow) pocking me (owwwwwwwwww)

And now they’re jumping only bed !!!!! This story is gonna be in the news tomorrow !!!!!!!     MY head is like on fire !!!!!!

  BTW the Tribal mask is what my face look like !!!!!! (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!)

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