Curiosity Killed The Platypus

Changing the website

Hey!  So I’ve been thinking, Ikind of want to get a little more serious about this website, make it a little more professional.  So I’m going to delete all previous posts and start again.  I’ll post more consistently, I’m getting a new format, I’m pretty much just reseting the sight to become better.  I don’t know when I’m going to do all this exactly, but I will get to it.  Hopefully getting more serious about this website will increase the traffic rate and be, well, actually visited.  Anyway, I doubt anyone cares, but I thought I would just put it out there.

Hopefully I’ll see you all soon on a new and improved website. Again, I doubt anyone cares



African Daisy



June 2, 2014 This post was written by Categories: Uncategorized Comments are off for this post
